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Update on Echiquier World Equity Growth

Since 2010, Echiquier World Equity Growth has paired rigorous stock-picking with dynamic management. The fund invests in global growth engines,...

Update on Echiquier World Equity Growth
Update on Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe

Update on Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe

After a solid 2021, the performance of growth stock funds was sorely tested in the first half of 2022 amid...

Three questions about … Echiquier QME

Echiquier QME was launched in 2015. What is its strategy? Echiquier QME is a systematic fund exposed to a large...

Three questions about … Echiquier QME


Echiquier QME is an absolute return UCITS that uses quantitative models in its management. The fund will turn seven years...

Market Update - Echiquier World Equity Growth

Market Update - Echiquier World Equity Growth
Echiquier Space is celebrating its first birthday

Echiquier Space is celebrating its first birthday

Echiquier Space[1], the first fund in Europe dedicated to space and its ecosystem, is celebrating its first birthday. Launched on...

Fund stories - Echiquier World Equity Growth

Louis Bersin, fund manager at LFDE, presents the Echiquier World Equity Growth fund by answering 3 questions: What is the...

Fund stories - Echiquier World Equity Growth
Fund Stories - Echiquier Climate & Biodiversity Impact Europe

Fund Stories - Echiquier Climate & Biodiversity Impact Europe