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  Bets placed at Long Bets, a site created in 1996 by Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s founder and CEO,...

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No politics please!

No politics please!

On 21 November 1620, a few days before stepping on American soil for the first time, the...

The hesitation waltz

In the weeks leading up Donald Trump’s election, traders had their eyes glued to the Mexican peso whose value lost...

The hesitation waltz
The Spirit of the Laws

The Spirit of the Laws

The new year inaugurates the period of good resolutions, an opportunity to put into practice...

Beware of routines…

Investor appetite for bonds is not waning and the volumes of recent debt offerings remains impressive. A few days ago,...

Beware of routines…
Golden Bridges

Golden Bridges

Opponents of Keynesian policies for supporting the economy love to vilify costly useless projects, bridges to nowhere. If French, they...

A summer tale

“You are acquainted with the thinness of the partitions which separate the little apartments, the ‘cabinets particuliers’ in the most...

A summer tale
The Day After

The Day After

If the markets had not ended with a rally the day before the vote, people would most...