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A question of impact

Is there a place for L’Oréal in an impact fund? Many would be tempted to reply with a decisive “no”....

A question of impact
Who said the sky's the limit ?

Who said the sky's the limit ?

Off the coast of Texas, near the Boca Chica space base, you will find two floating spaceports, Deimos and Phobos....

LFDE Insights - Interview of Errico Cocchi from City of Montreal Pension Funds

City of Montreal Errico Cocchi, could you briefly introduce yourself ? I manage the City of Montreal Pension Funds, six...

LFDE Insights - Interview of Errico Cocchi from City of Montreal Pension Funds
The hare and the tortoise: Can a slow Europe still win ?

The hare and the tortoise: Can a slow Europe still win ?

Nearly 350 days ago on 18 May 2020, Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron announced what was to be a major...

Value or not value?

Fiscal policy. An expression little in vogue in recent years within the esoteric realms of capitalism, nowadays more populated by...

Value or not value?
The Rise of the Machines

The Rise of the Machines

Atlas is a humanoid robot developed by Boston Dynamics – bipedal, agile as an Olympic athlete, designed for challenging environments,...

Finding stability

In Hervé Le Tellier’s1 novel L’Anomalie (The Anomaly), after a freak encounter with a giant cumulonimbus, passengers on a flight...

Finding stability
Once upon a time in America !

Once upon a time in America !

November is the month of thanks in America. Every year, the fourth Thursday of the month is the official holiday...