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The new billionaires

The European “middle classes” are feeling the full force of the economic crisis. High unemployment, reduced purchasing power, sluggish growth…the...

The new billionaires
About value

About value

“Today people know the price of everything and the value of nothing!” This quotation from Nicolas Boileau (1) clearly sheds...


Ageing stockbrokers have regular meetings that they wait for nervously or with delight: the annual letter sent by Warren Buffett...

Double sentence?

Double sentence?

If finance is now “faceless”, the sentencing of its excesses is nevertheless slightly more visible every day! In France, this...

Unpredictable 2012

In 1992, Bill Clinton was elected the 42nd President of the United States. At the time, the federal deficit totalled...

Unpredictable 2012
Money, Monnet!

Money, Monnet!

On 9 May 1950, Robert Schuman, the then French Foreign Minister, suggested the creation of a supranational high authority to...

The tale of the bank

Once upon a time in Baghdad lived a Caliph and his Vizier. One day, the Vizier came to the Caliph,...

The tale of the bank
Summer entropy

Summer entropy

The particularly disastrous stockmarket summer rapidly wiped out the relative serenity of economic forecasters during H1. After two months of...