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In the beginning was the Verb

“Within our mandate the ECB is ready to do whatever it takes to preserve the euro. And believe me, it...

In the beginning was the Verb
Let's be frank!

Let's be frank!

During the Mad Cow crisis in the early 1990s, the French government decided to give French beef a reassuring “VBF”...

"The power to say yes"

In the early 1990s, a famous French bank transformed this slogan into an aggressive development strategy. Its will to lend...



Collective well-being and individual interest do not always go hand in hand. This spontaneous assertion is illustrated perfectly in the...

Saga Africa

In 1963, the Paris stock exchange created a segment dedicated to stocks in the Franc zone. Aimed at housing companies...

Saga Africa
Who loses wins?

Who loses wins?

From “ZIRP” to “NIRP” – just one small step that our Anglo-US friends have not hesitated to take! These acronyms...

Salaries in order?

Year after year, the success of the NISSAN brand has been confirmed throughout the world (4.8 million vehicles sold in...

Salaries in order?
About value (2)

About value (2)

Financial crises and their implications will at least have had the merit of making the economy the focal point of...