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The first phase of the waltz

The first phase of the waltz

At the end of March, the Swiss National Bank inaugurated the ball on interest rate cuts, before being joined, at...

Walmart’s magnifying mirror

Walmart’s magnifying mirror

As the first-quarter earnings season draws to a close, Walmart, one of the last remaining stock market heavyweights, went through...

Concerto for brass

USD 10,000. The figure resonated like a vibrato in the lively concerto accompanying the industrial metals market for the last few...

Concerto for brass
Is the easing real or an illusion?

Is the easing real or an illusion?

At the last meeting of the US Federal Reserve (Fed) in December 2023, its Chair Jerome Powell gave a particularly...

Back to the nineties

January 1996. Having raised its key interest rate from 3% to 6%[1], the US Federal Reserve (Fed) completed a brief...

Back to the nineties
The return of inflation – a legitimate fear or stubborn memory?

The return of inflation – a legitimate fear or stubborn memory?

Although volatility in markets is at a low – as can be seen from the level of the VIX or...

Has Germany got trapped by its own certainties?

“The sound of a train whistle conjures up the whole station.” When writing his “Notes on the Cinematographer,” filmmaker Robert...

Has Germany got trapped by its own certainties?
Buy now, pay later

Buy now, pay later

Probably the most striking divergence in macroeconomic statistics in the current environment can be found in the US, between GDP...

Young people in the US labour force – caught between a rock and a hard place

For a number of months, US employment has taken a clear turn for the worse, having been at record levels...

Young people in the US labour force – caught between a rock and a hard place
Giants with feet of clay?

Giants with feet of clay?

86%: this is the share of S&P 500 performance (excluding dividends) realised this year by the “magnificent seven” – Alphabet, Amazon, Apple,...

What’s new in the east?

  Over a week has passed and the dust is far from settling. The conflict continues to rage on Ukrainian...

What’s new in the east?