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Tocqueville Value Europe ISR I

Tocqueville Value Europe ISR is an SRI-labeled fund, PEA-eligible, invested in European value stocks deemed to be at a discount by the management team.

Performance 2024


Annualized performance

+5,90%since inception
on 31/03/2000


561,6 € millions

Investment horizon

5 years



As of 18/07/2024

Fund Managers

Yann Giordmaina

Fund manager

Maxime Lefebvre, CFA

Fund manager



Price data

Calendar performance (%)

Past performance is not an indication of future performance. Returns indicated are after management fees but before taxes paid by the investor.

Cumulative performance (%)

Tocqueville Value Europe ISR I Benchmark
3 months +3,25 +4,07
2024 +8,65 +9,39
1 year +13,31 +14,36
3 years +25,74 +23,91
5 years +34,83 +49,75
10 years +77,63 +93,56
Inception +302,71 +137,82

Annualised performance (%)

Tocqueville Value Europe ISR I Benchmark
1 year +13,27 +14,32
3 years +7,93 +7,40
5 years +6,15 +8,40
10 years +5,91 +6,82
Inception +5,90 +3,63

Calendar performance (%)

Tocqueville Value Europe ISR I +8,65
Benchmark +9,39
Tocqueville Value Europe ISR I +14,98
Benchmark +15,83
Tocqueville Value Europe ISR I -6,10
Benchmark -9,49
Tocqueville Value Europe ISR I +19,54
Benchmark +25,13
Tocqueville Value Europe ISR I -11,28
Benchmark -3,32
Tocqueville Value Europe ISR I +18,61
Benchmark +26,05
Tocqueville Value Europe ISR I -13,47
Benchmark -10,57
Tocqueville Value Europe ISR I +10,16
Benchmark +10,24
Tocqueville Value Europe ISR I +0,86
Benchmark +2,58
Tocqueville Value Europe ISR I +22,85
Benchmark +8,22

Cumulative performance (%)

Tocqueville Value Europe ISR I +3,25
Benchmark +4,07
Tocqueville Value Europe ISR I +8,65
Benchmark +9,39
Tocqueville Value Europe ISR I +13,31
Benchmark +14,36
Tocqueville Value Europe ISR I +25,74
Benchmark +23,91
Tocqueville Value Europe ISR I +34,83
Benchmark +49,75
Tocqueville Value Europe ISR I +77,63
Benchmark +93,56
Tocqueville Value Europe ISR I +302,71
Benchmark +137,82

Annualised performance (%)

Tocqueville Value Europe ISR I +13,27
Benchmark +14,32
Tocqueville Value Europe ISR I +7,93
Benchmark +7,40
Tocqueville Value Europe ISR I +6,15
Benchmark +8,40
Tocqueville Value Europe ISR I +5,91
Benchmark +6,82
Tocqueville Value Europe ISR I +5,90
Benchmark +3,63

Risk indicators (%)

Fund volatility Index volatility Sharpe ratio Information ratio Beta Tracking Error
1 year 10,95 10,29 1,28 -0,65 0,95 5,04
3 years 14,94 13,64 0,62 0,01 1,00 6,31
5 years 21,45 17,83 0,42 -0,25 1,14 7,55

Risk indicators (%)

Fund volatility 10,95
Index volatility 10,29
Sharpe ratio 1,28
Information ratio -0,65
Beta 0,95
Tracking Error 5,04
Fund volatility 14,94
Index volatility 13,64
Sharpe ratio 0,62
Information ratio 0,01
Beta 1,00
Tracking Error 6,31
Fund volatility 21,45
Index volatility 17,83
Sharpe ratio 0,42
Information ratio -0,25
Beta 1,14
Tracking Error 7,55


General characteristics of the fund
Fund Inception 03/01/1997
Investment management company La Financière de l'Echiquier
Legal form French mutual fund (FCP)
Classification International equity
Reference indicator MSCI EUROPE NR temps réel
Investment horizon 5 years
Periodicity and Listing currency Daily (EUR)
Custodian CACEIS Bank
Fund Administrator CACEIS Fund Administration
SFDR classification Article 8
Share class characteristics
Fund Inception 31/03/2000
ISIN Code FR0010600239
Minimum subscription amount 1 000 €
Investor profile All subscribers
Tax included Including tax 1,20%
Subscription fee max. tax incl. not retained by the fund 0,00%
Redemption fee max. tax incl. not retained by the fund 0,00%
Management fees and other administrative and operating expenses
(based on the fund's last fiscal year)
Transaction costs
(based on the average of the fund's last 3 fiscal years)