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Echiquier Positive Impact Europe investment review

Created in 2010, then backed by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as of 2017, Echiquier Positive Impact Europe is...

Echiquier Positive Impact Europe investment review
Confidence without complacency

Confidence without complacency

Each stock market year has its own characteristics and brings its share of special events. Some of these leave their...

Healthcare Access Is a Priority

“Uneven access to health services drives life expectancy gaps,” the WHO announced in 2019. From unequal vaccine access to more...

Healthcare Access Is a Priority
Crash 2022

Crash 2022

The Global Aggregate Index published by Bloomberg closed out the month of November 2022 on a positive note of 4.7%....

Earthlings should sleep better

“Earthlings should sleep better, and I definitely will”. So says Elena Adams, DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) systems engineer, summing...

Earthlings should sleep better
Update on Echiquier Climate & Biodiversity Impact Europe

Update on Echiquier Climate & Biodiversity Impact Europe

Since its creation in 2020, Echiquier Climate & Biodiversity Impact Europe1 has pursued a long-term, twofold objective of generating financial...


The situation the United Kingdom has just come through looks an awful lot like an economic episode from the 1970s...

The dollar, a strong currency

The dollar, a strong currency

The dollar is strong only against those currencies whose central banks were slow to fight inflation. For example, Brazil started...